End of Life Wisdom in Torah and Midrash-by Rabbi Simcha Raphael

Saratoga Jewish Community Arts presents a Shabbaton weekend on the theme Ancestral Journeys: End-of-Life Wisdom in Torah and Midrash with Scholar-in-Residence Rabbi Dr. Simcha Raphael, February 9–11, 2024. The programs will be held in four locations over the weekend. On Sunday, February 11th, Rabbi Simcha will be giving a presentation at Congregation Beth Shalom and the topic will be: “Dying As A Journey of Transformation.”

RABBI SIMCHA RAPHAEL, PH.D. is Founding Director of the DA’AT Institute for Death Awareness, Advocacy and Training. Ordained as a Rabbinic Pastor by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, he works as a psychotherapist and spiritual director in Philadelphia and is author of numerous publications on death and Judaism including the groundbreaking Jewish Views of the Afterlife. His website is www.daatinstitute.net.

Please see the CBS weekly email for registration information. Note: Sunday, February 11th is also Super Bowl Sunday. This presentation will be over long before the Super Bowl starts!!

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