Havurah Vatik – LUNCH AND A MOVIE

All Saratoga area Jewish seniors 55 plus are welcome!

Havurah Vatik attendees can expect a relaxing and rewarding couple of hours on June 18, as we enjoy a great movie and lunch together. We will present the Hallmark Hall of Fame film, The Courageous Heart of Irena Sendler, the story of a remarkable hero of WWII. Irena Sendler was a social worker and nurse who was able to smuggle some 2500 children out of the Warsaw Ghetto, despite herself being arrested, imprisoned, and tortured. Sounds grim, but it has a triumphant ending: Irena survived, was honored by Yad Vashem, lived to the age of 98.

Attendees will also hear about the “Life in a Jar” project begun by high school students in Kansas to research and publicize information about Irena’s work and heroism.

A delicious catered lunch follows the program. We need your RSVP by June 12. Please click here below to RSVP via email or call Temple Sinai at 518-584-8730 ext.0

Because we pay our caterer based on number of lunches ordered, it is crucial that you let us know if you: Plan to attend the luncheon or will attend only the program
Need to cancel your reservation. Keep Havurah Vatik alive and well – bring along a friend to enjoy this program!

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