Tu B’Shevat Is Coming! New Year for the Trees!

Tu B’Shevat which is the 15th of the month of Shevat, occurs on the secular calendar this year on January 25th. This year, more than ever, it is important to plant trees in Israel. They can be planted in support of the hostages, in support of Israeli troops, in memory of a loved one, or just because you would like to plant a tree in Israel.

If you would like to purchase a tree, it will cost $18. Please send a check, made out to Hadassah for $18, to Barbara Lazarow. Also, include the name and address of the person receiving the certificate and who is being remembered, honored, etc. Please clearly print all this information. Barbara will complete the certificate and mail it with your information as the return address.

Remember – you can order trees all year long!

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