Tradition, Tradition! Jewish Storytelling Presented Through Performance and Music!

Register Now for Tradition Tradition: Jewish Storytelling through Performance and Music. Sponsored by Temple Sinai and Congregation Beth Shalom, July 28, 7 pm at Congregation Beth Shalom.

Dear Friend of SJCF,

Saratoga Jewish Cultural Festival, supported by a generous grant from the Jewish Federation of Northeastern New York and co-sponsored by Temple Sinai and Congregation Beth Shalom, present Tradition Tradition, an evening of music and storytelling rich in Jewish tradition. Join our talented storytellers, musicians and singers as they revisit age-old Jewish themes to capture your mind, warm your heart and inspire your soul. This event promises to be a highlight of the summer. It will be presented live at Congregation Beth Shalom at 7 pm on July 28 and will be offered via Zoom.

To register, click the blue Register box below. When the Registration Page appears, complete the requested information. If you have questions, please email us at

A $10 donation per person is requested at the door. Saratoga Jewish Cultural Festival will offer 15 programs this summer ranging from storytelling and film discussion to live performances and joyous outdoor festivals. To see our complete calendar of upcoming SJCF programs, go to SJCF Summer Programs. You can register there for the five programs sponsored by Temple Sinai.

Shalom, Phyllis Wang, Coordinator, Saratoga Jewish Community Arts
Register Here!
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